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Thursday, 03 May 2012 18:32

Ben Hartley Letter 008 - 1943-03-10

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Postage Stamp:  FREE
Postage Date:  Mar 10 5:00PM 1943

Pvt. Ben R. Hartley
A.S.N. 18,232,843
Barracks 293, Service Squadron 32
308th Training Group
B.T.C #3
Sheppard Field, Texas

Envelope Reverse:

To:  Mrs. Louis D. Hartley
The Mart Herald
Mart, Texas

Tuesday Noon

Dearest Mom,

We didn't go for classification interviews last night after all.  Instead we went to see some movies on infantry drill and manual of arms.  We already knew more than the movie could teach us about drill, so most of us caught up on our sleep.  After that road run yesterday afternoon, I was plenty ready to hit the hay when we got back to the barracks about 8:45.

This morning was a big one -- our first pay day.  We signed the payroll Sunday, and this morning was entirely consumed with getting paid off.  We got a crisp, new ten dollar bill, and two ones of the same calibre.  I was glad to get that cash for no telling when I'll be able to get to town to cash a traveler's check.

I just got back from chow, and am lying here in bed writing this.  Another road run is scheduled for this afternoon, but thank goodness little Benny doesn't have to go on it.  I won't fall out as usual at one, but will lie around here until 2:15 at which time I report to the orderly room to get a clothing issue.  I did not get any O.D. shirts or any fatigues on my first clothing issue, so now I am getting a completion issue.

We had mail call just now in which I received a letter from Louie.  Be sure to tell him how much I appreciated and enjoyed it.  I read some of the jokes to the boys, and they thought that some of them were plenty good.  I will write him just as soon as possible.

Must close now and hit the road to the orderly room; thence to the supply depot.

Love and kisses for you both.


Read 45956 times Last modified on Friday, 18 January 2013 02:17
David Sarvai

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